Performance Results

At Whitehall Park School, we support all of our children to strive for academic, creative, sporting and personal accomplishment within a broad, balanced vibrant and enriched curriculum.Β  Please see the tables below for an overview of our past results.

Performance Tables are also produced by the Department for Education (DfE). They give information on the achievements of pupils in primary, secondary and 16-18 provision in schools and colleges, and how they compare with other schools in the Local Authority (LA) area and in England as a whole.

To see how the results of Whitehall Park compare to those of other schools in the UK,Β please clickΒ the linkΒ to visit theΒ DfE school performance website. At Whitehall Park assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning, we believe in assessing the process of learning as well as the product. Teachers at our school effectively use assessment to ensure the correct scaffolding is built into lessons to ensure that all children achieve. Whitehall Park teachers are always thinking about what they need to do to ensure that all of the children they teach make progress.
Our new Assessment System has at its heart Assessment for Learning; this is when teachers assess children’s learning in the classroom and provide feedback and next steps for the child. This type of assessment is happening all day every day in our classrooms.

You can find out more about how we assess at Whitehall Park School by clicking on the following links:

Click here to see information about EYFS assessment

Click here to see information about KS1 Assessment

Click here to see information about KS2 Assessment

At Whitehall Park School, we are super proud of our children and the wonderful progress they make and their achievements, whether they be sporting, creative academic, personal or social. Teachers regularly check to ensure that everyone is on track and making the progress we expect, if we believe that children are able to make even more progress, teachers amend and adapt their planning to challenge and support our children in their development, knowledge and understanding.


Percentage of Whitehall Park children achieving GLD (Good Level of Development)88% (+19%)90% (+18%)82% (+10%)
% Children achieving GLD nationally69%72%71%
% Children achieving GLD in Islington 70.5%71%72%

Year 1 Phonics Screening

Phonics Working at the required standard201720182019
Percentage of Whitehall Park pupils achieving the required standard 92% (+11%)95% (+13%)92% (+10%)
% Children achieving the required standard nationally81%82%82%
% Children achieving the required standard in Islington82%83%84%

End of Key Stage One Results

2019% Whitehall Park pupils achieving ARE% pupils nationally achieving ARE% pupils in Islington achieving ARE% Whitehall Park pupils exceeding ARE% pupils nationally exceeding ARE% pupils in Islington exceeding ARE
Reading88% (jo+13%)75%76%28% (+3%)25%27%
Writing83% (+14%)69%71%23% (+8%)15%19%
Maths87% (+11%)76%77%27% (+5%)22% 25%

ARE – Age Related Expectations. The number in brackets shows the difference in percentage between results from Whitehall Park School when compared to National results.

Due to COVID-19 there were no results for 2019-20, we continue to do our own performance monitoring and believe our pupils are still achieving great learning which will be reflected in future examinations.